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Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Proclamation and how it relates

 “ALL HUMAN BEINGS- male and female- are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny” This is just a small part of The Family A Proclamation to the World by The First Presidency and the Council of The Twelve Apostles. I love many parts of the proclamation but as I looked through, this part especially stuck out. It is an incredible message that these ordained men are trying to put out. Saying that everyone, no matter if they are male or female or whatever color, race, or eye color we are all spirit sons and daughters of God. That message is incredibly essential to our world. People need to know their divine identity. When I was told this vital piece of who I was, I found so much more purpose and importance to the world.  I felt that I mattered. Not only that, but I now had a HEAVENLY FATHER that loved and cared about me. A father that watched over me and guided me when I needed it. A father I could talk to when I needed someone to talk to. This was also an eye-opener to the fact that EVERYONE around me was a son or daughter of God as well, which means that they have divine potential as well. This made me see the people around me in such a new way. It is so critical for us to know our divine nature and destiny so we can reach our potential.
Also stated in The Proclamation to the World “…God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and women, lawfully wedded as husband and wife”. This is such a key point to emphasize in our world today. Although I do agree that people deserve to be happy and love whomever they want, marriage really should be between a man and a woman. There are several topics that I would like to touch on regarding this topic. First, there is an idea out in the world today that people should be able to marry and be with anyone they want. They are allowed to have kids and live however they want. No one should judge them or ridicule them. I do agree that there should be no judgment and criticism towards these people but loving council and teachings are encouraged. The fault with this thinking is that this is not the way that is ordained of God himself Heavenly father sent a man and women to populate and replenish the Earth. He wouldn’t send 1 man and 1 woman and make it only possible to have children with 1 man and 1 woman if it wasn’t the correct way to marry. “ The Family is ordained of God. Marriage between a man and women is essential to His eternal plan” This is the beginning statement of the 7thparagraph within the proclamation and is the beginning of the longest paragraph. The next idea I want to make a point on is “man and women, lawfully wedded as husband and wife” This is such a bold and neglected statement in our society. People would rather cohabitate or sleep around than to commit to someone. In many studies, it has been seen that couples that cohabitate before marriage are far more likely to divorce than couples that do not. This is such an intriguing result. Aren’t we told that you get to have a “test run” so you can “try it before you buy it”? Isn’t living together before you are married supposed to let you see if you can do it. Doesn’t it let us get used to each other before we decide if we could be together the rest of our lives? NO!! Ok, so yes there are couples that stay together with their entire lives and they lived together before their marriages, but we are seeing that when people save sacred things like sex, sleeping together at night, and living together until after they are married, they have happier healthier marriages. 
This is all not to say that everyone who has done these things is damned to hell or is going to suffer. I truly believe that the only way to TRUE and ETERNAL happiness is to follow the commandments of our LOVING Heavenly Father and the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles. As we follow him, we are guided through life and blessed by Him! 

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