Well people, it is not a surprise that communication is one of the most essential parts of a relationship. Not so fun fact: One of the most common reasons that people end relationships is because of terrible communication. There are 5 secrets I am going to share with you for EFFECTIVE communication! Are you ready?
1. The disarming technique- I know it sounds weird but it is huge! Have you ever been in a disagreement with someone and it is something small but it ends up being this huge fight that you are so overly mad but then you realize you have no idea why you got mad in the first place. This is why. People become defensive of themselves or they blame others. This creates a high tension situation so the first step to the disarming technique is to avoid or decrease both peoples defensiveness.. Next you have to agree to not blame, take responsibility, be honest with yourself about your desire, and find the kernel of truth. What the heck is the kernel of truth? GOOD QUESTION. The kernel of truth is taking apart the original thing that the person said. What are their true feelings behind their words. Maybe they just cant tell you the full truth of what they feel, or maybe they don’t know themselves.
This step literally can change everything. You can say something like “you are right, I was just trying to fix your situation and I forgot to listen to what you were saying. I need to listen and validate what you are feeling”
2. Thoughts of empathy. People need you to understand, validate, and empathize with them. Repeat what they said and say that you can see how they could feel _____. You can guess their emotions.
3. Gentle inquiry- invite them to share their thoughts and feelings. Ask them to share how they feel and what they are thinking.
4. when_______-what is the event or circumstance
I felt ________ -Emotion not judgment or evaluation
because _________ - share the connections or thoughts
I would like ________ - a solution
5. Be authentic/respectful and have admiration for each other.
Now these seem like dumb little things but every single one of these steps are very important and can completely change the nature of an argument. When you implement these, you will immediately see the difference in your conversation. The aggression will dwindle, you will be able to be calm and actually work things out well.
I have another secret to share!
Mutual decision making
Plana time to sit down to talk about it- no interruptions ~30min
Sacred time
Sacred place
Tell each other -love and appreciate5-10 min
sincere and authentic -little things
"Thank you
We have been praying for”.
“I love you so much. Appreciate you taking care of….”
Pray-talk to Heavenly Father - to please help us - priesthood
Discusswhat we think Heavenly Father would want/ do- gods will- till consensus
pray againand ask if the consensus is right- feel it?
Have a Snack- chocolate, pie
Now that you have the secrets to communicating well and how to make decisions without argument. Go out and put it to work! You will be surprised how much different things will turn out.